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National Days of the SFMP

Time to be defined


Le Havre

CAUTION POSTPONED The 50th National Days of the French Society of Perinatal Medicine are postponed to 2021.

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National Days of the SFMP
National Days of the SFMP

Hour and location

Time to be defined

Le Havre, NORMANDY SQUARE DES DOCKS 6 quai de la Réunion 76600 LE HAVRE

About the event

Program and Online Registration:

Dear colleagues,

The French Society of Perinatal Medicine, which I have the honor to chair until September 2021, has decided to maintain its 50th National Days in Le Havre from October 7 to 9.

The program that you will find in this email and on the SFMP website is attractive both in its scientific aspect and in its practical side.

The 50th Days will also be marked by a more solemn and festive aspect after half a century of life of this multidisciplinary Society. In addition, our Le Havre colleagues have concocted an attractive program in an original location, the Docks.

We had held the 40th days in Deauville with a resounding success which the oldest remember (about 1000 participants)

I hope that Normandy will take advantage of this event to distinguish itself again by coming out of this complex period for everyone, especially for caregivers.

Come many to this congress, you will not regret it

Counting on your support and participation

Best regards

Professor Michel DREYFUS

President of the SFMP

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